Between The Lines Review Tammara Webber


What happens when an inexperienced young actress crosses paths with the hottest most popular young actor in Hollywood?


Emma Pierce never thought she would make it in Hollywood but a one-chance audition for the lead role in a high school version of Pride and Prejudice led her to things beyond her wildest imagination including her hot leading man Reid Alexander, who is already a start in his own right, and is used to getting exactly what he wants. The chemistry between them is insatiable from the first moment they meet at the audition and from that moment forward Reid has his sights set on Emma but, getting her to be with him might not be as easy as it seems. Especially when you add their dynamic co-stars into the mix, including an attractive and quiet Indie-actor named Graham Douglas. From beginning to end Between the Lines by Tammara Webber is filled with fun, drama, and romance that makes it the perfect book for summertime

between the lines

I bought Between the Lines on my Nook when I looking for something new, low priced and easy to read. Oh, and believe me when I say that this book has all that in spades. I was hooked pretty much from the first chapter. If you’re like me, and you can’t help but find yourself looking into the behind the scenes gossip of celebrities, movies, or television shows, then you will love this book as it gives you an extra dramatic look into that. You’ve got hook-ups, break-ups, secrets, and lies all mixed with your perceived typical Hollywood movie set and party atmosphere. It was so much fun finding myself lost in an environment that I know that I will never be able to participate in myself.

I loved the chemistry between all the characters. It was interesting watching them interact with each other. The emotions and tensions kept me on my toes at all times as you never quite know what is going to happen next. I loved that the story was told from two different points of view (Reid’s and Emma’s) because it was nice to the story from each of their different perspectives. This also gave each of their characters more depth as you got to learn more about their backgrounds and their relationships (or lack of relationships) with their families.  There are some serious issues that are tackled stemming from these relationships with Reid and Emma and their respective families. Personally though, I wish that Graham had gotten his own point of view section. Out of all the characters, he was my favorite. Even if I could relate to the naivety and uncertainty of Emma more, Graham won my heart over from his very first nod hello.

Without giving too much away, I think I can safely say that the drama and excitement in Between The Lines goes all the way to the very end. In fact, it may have left me saying “NO! You can’t leave it like that”. It was just so good. That’s why I’m really excited for the sequel which is called Where You Are because there is apparently a Graham point of view this time around. YES! Also, there is rumored to be even more drama and excitement which I so cannot wait for because Tammara Webber sure knows how to write drama, and I LOVE the drama that she creates. Bring it on!

Disclosure: Purchased for my Nook (only $2.99)

Other reviews of Between The Lines:

Sliced Open Reviews
My Addiction is Reading
Wicked Awesome Books
Book Nerds Across America

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Allison is 27 years old. She is always looking for new books, good music, quality/epic adventures, and a normal sleep schedule. She currently works with the elderly.


  1. My co-blogger Jess and I are trying to read more NA and she got this. I’m glad you enjoyed it and I am interested to see what her conclusions are.

  2. I loved this book. It’s my first Tamara Webber read. Everyone has been talking about easy, but one of my good friends said I would really enjoy this series so I started with these first.

    Graham. *sigh* He does get some of his own POV in book two btw!

    Great review, so glad you loved it!

  3. I just read Easy by her, and loved it, so I’m pretty excited to check this one out. It sounds AWESOME!

  4. Tammara Weber has been all over my Twitter feed lately and I MUST read one of her books stat! Between this book and Easy I’m not sure which one to start with.

  5. This sounds right up my ally!! I have also been hearing a lot about Tammara Weber and I think I might have to check this out! Thanks for the review!

  6. The book does sound like a lot of fun and I’m trying to remember why the author’s name sounds familiar. LOL

    Anyway, thanks for the heads up on this book 😀

  7. Ohhh this sounds really cute. Also, it has a P&P reference, so I should definitely check it out.

  8. Great review! It’s always a treat to find a GOOD/WORTHWHILE book for 2.99 on your eReader! Can I say? I love the bracelet on that cover. It’s such a cute little detail, and I just am a huge fan of bracelets. I’m actually going to go download this right now. It sounds great! 🙂 Thanks for an awesome, enthusiastic review!

  9. AH okay, so I don’t usually do self-pubbed books but I’ve heard awesome things about her other book, Easy, so I might just have to check this one out, especially since you liked it so much!!

  10. This sounds really fun, Allison! Particularly when you said “It was so much fun finding myself lost in an environment that I know that I will never be able to participate in myself.” That reminds me of a book or two that I’ve gotten lost in before that I’ve particularly enjoyed for the very same reason. This is one that I might have stayed away from because of the cover (I’m SUPER SHALLOW, I know.) but I’m hearing a lot about this author lately and I’m really wanting to incorporate her into my TBR. This is the first review I’ve read about this book and “Fireworks” leaves me wanting to read it! Thank you!


  1. […] by Allison L · 0 comments Follow me on Twitter Review of: Where You AreBook By : Tammara WebberReviewed by: Allison LRating:4On October 24, 2012Last modified:October 24, 2012Summary:Where You Are packs the drama even more so than Between The Lines, and I loved all of it. Filled with complex characters and drama that had me invested till the very end!More DetailsA Forewarning From Allison: There will be SPOILERS in this review! If you have not read Between The Lines, read ahead at your own risk! Or just click this LINK! […]