Allison: Teacher’s Pest | Charles Gilman | Book Review

**Minor Spoilers for the Tales from Lovecraft Middle School series!
Read at your own risk!**

Teacher’s Pest, the third book in Charles Gilman’s Tales from Lovecraft Middle School series, picks right up where the last book (The Slither Sisters) ended, and just like the first two it does not disappoint! In fact, it may just be the best book so far as there appears to be a higher level of intensity as Robert, Glenn, and Karina try to figure out and slow the newest problem within the walls of Lovecraft Middle School.

What is the problem this time around? BUGS! The school has become overrun by all different types of bugs. The community blames it on the fact that the janitors have gone on strike and thus, the garbage hasn’t been picked up. Robert, Glenn, and Karina know that this is not necessarily the truth, and the three of them are more determined then ever to get to the truth of the matter.

Teacher’s Pest is such a fun read. It is a bit more serious then the previous two novels and for me, it held a strong level of suspense and intrigue. I really want to know if and how the trio was going to be able to fix them problems which were being placed in front of them. I love how Charles Gilman is able to bring the school to life, and offers us a new piece of the different dimensions with every story. Also, once again the illustrations by Eugene Smith were top notch! They definitely bring all the freakiness of the bugs and Lovecraft Middle School to life!

Another aspect I really found myself enjoying was the character development. All the characters keep changing and growing up in many positive ways which is wonderful to read about. There was just so much to enjoy about Teacher’s Pest. I honestly cannot wait to see what other changes occur, and what other types of adventures, mysteries, and problems occur within the walls of Lovecraft Middle School!

Disclosure: Received a copy from the publisher for an honest review

My review of Professor Gargoyle (#1) & The Slither Sisters (#2)

Other reviews of Teacher’s Pest by Charles Gilman:

Stack of Hardbacks: “I love this series so far, and I honestly would recommend it to anyone.

Kid Lit Reviews: “You will definitely want to read Teacher’s Pest.  It is worth scratching your head and arm until you reach the end.

A Bookish Way of Life: “As for you all, you should definitely check out Charles Gilman’s Lovecraft Middle School series: Professor Gargoyle, The Slither Sisters, and Teacher’s Pest.  I promise that you will love them!


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Allison is 27 years old. She is always looking for new books, good music, quality/epic adventures, and a normal sleep schedule. She currently works with the elderly.